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Health Sutra


200 gm



Weight: 200gm

Product benefits:

Its Metabolism Booster

Its high nutrient composition makes it desirable when it comes to good health. Here are some of the several benefits of the Health Sutra . It keeps your blood sugar levels in check helps in weight Management and Boosts Metabolism. It comes packed with high amounts of protein, minerals, vitamins that are beneficial for health. It has Active compound that reduces the risk of brain diseases.

  • Fiber rich.
  • Anti bloating Effect and Speeds Metabolism
  • Loaded with Antioxidants
  • Strong anti-inflammatory effect .
  • Packed with Health Healthy Omega -3 or Alpha Linoleic  .
  • Lowers Blood Sugar Levels and improves sensitivity to hormone Insulin
  • Prevents the risk Heart Disease and cancer.
  • Detoxifies the Body.
  • Improves Brain Health