What Is A Vegan Diet?

Vegan diet is plant based diet. People who follow vegan they don’t eat any animals and it’s by products such as eggs, milk curd cheese Etc animal origin food.

List of the things vegans don’t eat

Food which contains; Chicken, Fish, Meat, any animal meat, Milk, Cheese, Curd, Honey (because honey is also derived by honey bee)

What is the list of things that you can eat while following a vegan diet?

Vegan diet can be nutritionally dance if you eat all groups of food. Vegans can have all plant based food such as cereals, pulses, legumes, nuts, fruits, spices, herbs etc.

For proteins requirement one can have

Lentils, peas, tofu, soy milk, soy granules, almond milk, almonds, walnuts, chickpea, beans etc  in daily diet

Calcium requirement-

Many people believe vegan diet doesn’t contain enough calcium but here the list of vegan food which is very good source of calcium

Cereals & legumesRagi (100g)Bengal gram (100g)Moth beans(100g)RajmahSoya bean 344202202260240
OthersAlmond (100g)Gingelly seeds (til)(100g)   Broccoli (1cup)Fenugreek leaves (100g)Amaranth2301450 160-180  395

Vegan foods are very good source of iron and zinc too

All green leafy vegetables such as spinach kale fenugreek leaves are good source of iron and zinc peanuts almonds are also very good source of protein iron & zinc

Essential fatty acids requirement

Peanuts – monosaturated fats

Walnuts – mono saturated and omega 3 fatty acids

Flax seeds – omega 3 fatty acid

Coconut – small chain fatty acid.

Are there any advantages of following a vegan diet?

Why do people follow a vegan diet?

  • Plant based diet has no cholesterol thus very good for prevention of heart diseases .
  • Its alkaline in nature thus doesn’t create acidity and other relared issues
  • Good to maintain weight as it is low in saturated fat and calories.
  • Very good to keep blood sugar levels under control and prevent diabetes related abnormality.
  • Keep your eyes healthy as when we consume enough carrots , spinach, beet and other fruits which contain lots of vitamin A and lutein a necessary micronutrients to prevent eye sight and nourishes our skin too.
  • Vegan diet is full of fiber to keep our gut heathy so prevent us  from constipation and colon cancer
  • Vegan diets is full of anti-oxidants ( all bright colour fruits contain antioxidants) thus it increases stamina and immunity  

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